Hi, I am a Neurodivergent Jew with physical disability and trauma (including family). This is an advocacy/resource/education website I made. What follows is a little more about how to use website and about me

Website: Simply search tag to get downloadable file (which you can just look at on the site too) in doc or powerpoint/slide format. Or you can download or look at file titled "tags_used" to see complete alphabetical list of files, tags, and what files fall under what tags. I will discuss here various topic related to advocacy and provide useful tips/solutions/advice for beginners and all levels of knowledge.

Me: I am AUDHD (autistic + ADHD), dyspraxic (motor coordination issue), dyslexic with cPTSD (complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), PDA, and GAD (General Anxiety Disorder from family trauma and more) with synesthesia, auditory processing disorder, unknown/undiagnosoed tic/stim disorder and hyperactivity disorder amongst other things. I have severe migraines, neurovascular problems, GI issues, and more. I am a proud Jew, but secular.

I've got many years of experience tutoring (including STEM and advocacy) and on doing online advocacy work

Contact Me:

Email: veanxiousaulearner@veanxiousaulearner.net

Instagram: @veanxious_au_learner for daily post/s and subscription benefits

Patreon for support, donations, collaborations, direct education, and offers: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=86918513

YouTube channel (more science-related): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmu1FRAqBUcS72Pq6lxjNww

RedBubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/VeAnxiousAu/shop?asc=u&fbclid=IwAR3lJqYczoRI_cNlsUharudT2ZJ-Ayh6GOePvJ6RSrQ24RsxXMukr_0FbPM

LinkTree to all things: https://linktr.ee/veAnxious